Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Long overdue update...

Well, friends, it has indeed been too long since I posted to this. I've been busy and easily distracted from many things since graduation in May. I moved back home to Houston in early June and have been searching for that first job. I have had lots of interviews. Lots. But so far no offers as of yet. However, I am going for a second, all day intensive interview a week from today. This is for a YA position at a joint library in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. This library is a Broward County branch located at Nova Southeastern University. So I had a phone interview with them in late August and was selected to come in for this second interview. And... they're paying for everything! That's pretty fantastic. :)

As I wrote before, this interview is all day long and I'll pretty much meet everyone in the library. I also am making a 15 min. presentation at the end that is open to anyone... And this presentation is kind of getting to me. The premise is that I'm going to a high school English class in their own library to give a 45 minute program of my choice. Now, my actual presentation is my design of this program. Kind of like a pitch of the program. My current thinking is that I am going at the request of the teacher to talk about resources for a project they are doing concerning Shakespeare. This is a project that I had to do in my senior English class with Beowulf. The project is a creative response to their reading and can be multimedia. They do have to have a bibliography. My design of this program would of course include instruction on how to use applicable databases, the county's computer catalog as well as the University's catalog. I also have to include a book that I would booktalk, so I'm trying to find some sort of modern spin on a classic Shakespeare story.

I still have to make a Powerpoint I think, to keep me on track during the presentation and of course handouts. I will be doing this presentation for them in a computer lab. Any suggestions, critiques are welcome!

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