Thursday, March 22, 2007


Well, I am at work right now. I should totally be doing something more useful, but I'm totally out of it today! This weather is doing a number on my allergies. I keep blowing my nose and my eyes are all watery!

Thank goodness we are taking a storytime break for three whole weeks! This is of course to the chagrin of our many nannies. I have overheard grumbling several times this morning. They don't seem to understand that a) our staff needs a break and b) we are vastly understaffed!! Half of the library is gone or leaving in the next two weeks. We literally have lost almost all our department heads and full time librarians in the past 6 weeks. It makes life frustrating.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to get ready for the job interview in Virginia. And my brother is going to be in town this weekend! Yay! He's flying in from Houston tonight and leaving Sunday. I'm excited to be able to hang out with him. He's also bringing the pan to make cheesecake... :)

Alrighty, back to productivity.

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