Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Blogpost 2- librarian trading card

My librarian trading card
Originally uploaded by kristenrstewart.
Alrighty, this should work this time!! I was having some difficulty figuring out the best way to post my lovely creation. I think I have figured it out. I ended up creating a Flickr account, so I guess that's pretty cool. I do love photography and sharing it with others, so this seems to be a great way to do it. And I totally forgot that Yahoo and Flickr had merged, so setting up was a breeze due to my already having a Yahoo email address. Sweet!

Making the actual trading card was pretty fun. I have quite a few pictures of myself (somehow!) and it was hard to pick one that I liked. I think all libraries should use these for new people. I know I said that already, but they are fun and a good way to get to know people.


Michael Stephens said...

I am glad you got a Flickr account and you amke a good point about libraries using this for new people. Wouldn't someone who might be nervous about their first day maybe feel more relaxed if they got to make a card for themselves and it was put with all the others?

wantonlife said...

These tech mergers are interesting - Yahoo and Flick, Google and YouTube, etc. etc. While the partnerships are great, I hope that we don't end up with one massive conglomerate!

Allison Harrell said...

Great trading card and picture.
Kristen, I am finally going to give it a try. The real trick is to find a decent picture. Allison